Water formation of concrete structures

Water imaging as a method

Water formation is an environmentally friendly method that is also gentle on reinforcement and underlying construction. Hard-to-reach surfaces can be more easily remedied with Water Formation.

The principle is that a water jet with modular hard pressure processes the concrete selectively. Because the water jet, despite its high forming effect, is gentle on fresh concrete and reinforcement, the method has clear advantages. Reinforcement is completely cleaned from voice but not damaged. Micro-cracks do not occur as in traditional mechanical forming. A straight and safe casting result is achieved mainly by the water formation providing a very good adhesion surface.

We perform sampling and analysis of the concrete to get good control over the damage that is usually caused by carbonation and chloride attack. Based on analysis and results, values are programmed in and a computer unit controls the entire debugging process. The water pressure of the pump unit is set for each area of the chimney depending on the damage pattern. By moving the bilge unit, the water nozzle operates within the selected area with a water pressure that gives bilge down to a programmed quality depth.

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