New construction
Nyinstallation/montage av skorsten

We act as your sparring partner so that you get the optimal chimney solution from inspection and calculation of the current chimney to the design phase: Material selection, surface treatment, transport, assembly and inspection of the new one. Everything is done with own resources, which reduces the cost and increases control.

Försäljning/montage av ny industriskorsten

You can choose the steel chimney from different sizes and designs, in corten or stainless steel, with a maximum diameter of 5,300 mm and from 10 and up to 140 m height, depending on need. The chimneys are normally manufactured with vibration dampers.

Each chimney is produced specifically according to your needs and current national and international regulations. Separate design department for calculation, design and project management guarantees efficient project implementation.

Tillverkningen sker enl EN-1090 och CE-märks utifrån de konstruktioner som kan CE-märkas. Montage sker enl ISO 3834-2:2005.

New construction

Nybyggnation av skorstenen vid Q-märkta Tunafors fabriker i Eskilstuna .

Let us help you!
070-810 53 98

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Kontakta oss enklast genom att ringa oss på 019-10 53 90 eller om du föredrar kan du skicka oss ett meddelade i formuläret nedan.

Contact information

019-10 53 90

Jour 24/7
0708-10 53 98

019-17 99 10


Gamla Vägen 3,
702 27 Örebro