Our policies
Gender equality policy
The working environment within our business must be safe. A prerequisite for this is that the workplace is free from discrimination, offensive differential treatment, sexual harassment and that we actively work for equality.
Equality means that all people's experiences and skills must be valued equally, regardless of gender, ethnic affiliation, religion or other belief, functional variation or sexual orientation. Equality means equal conditions for everyone in terms of work, employment and other conditions as well as development opportunities.
The following applies within ERAB:
- Discrimination, offensive differential treatment or sexual harassment must not occur.
- Everyone must be assessed and evaluated on objective grounds and not on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic affiliation, religious affiliation or functional variation.
- An honest and open culture must prevail in the workplace so that everyone can feel safe to express themselves and develop.
- Everyone at Erab must work for equal treatment and actively promote everyone's equal rights and opportunities.
- Everyone must take measures to prevent and prevent anyone being exposed to abuse, harassment or discrimination, and has their own responsibility for their participation in equality work.
- All employees at ERAB must have good knowledge of this policy and current discrimination legislation.
Quality policy
Erab is certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001
The goal of our company's quality work is to have satisfied customers. Erab's name must be associated with high quality in terms of personnel and services.
The quality policy must be known by all employees at Erab. Quality is the most important success factor for a positive customer experience and the development and success of the business. Quality is achieved by working on continuous improvement and learning from our mistakes. We continuously evaluate different working methods and take measures to create improvements.
Erab's employees must behave responsibly and in accordance with our values and our code of conduct. By working openly, honestly and in close cooperation with our staff and customers, we together ensure that we deliver the right quality.
We will:
- Do it right from the start
- Deliver at agreed time
- Together with the customer, specify requirements that we have the conditions to fulfill.
- Only use approved equipment according to established authority requirements, own requirements.
- Säkerställa att standardkrav samt kundens och egna krav och önskemål uppfyllts. Varje medarbetare ska vara kompetent för uppgiften och tilldelas ansvar och befogenheter för att på ett engagerat sätt kunna uppfylla kundens krav
Work environment policy
The working environment in our business must be such that those who work for us do not suffer from ill health or are injured due to work and that they thrive and can develop both professionally and as individuals. Work environment work must permeate all decisions that are made and all activities that are carried out.
We do not accept any form of bullying or harassment in our workplace. Our work environment must be characterized by openness and all individuals must be treated equally and with respect. We must at least comply with the work environment legislation to which we are subject and strive to constantly improve our work environment both organizationally and socially as well as physically.
Other policies
- Policy against abusive discrimination
- Sustainability Policy
- Road safety policy
What can we help you with?
The working environment in our business must be such that those who work for us do not suffer from ill health or are injured due to work and that they thrive and can develop both professionally and as individuals. Work environment work must permeate all decisions that are made and all activities that are carried out.
We do not accept any form of bullying or harassment in our workplace. Our work environment must be characterized by openness and all individuals must be treated equally and with respect. We must at least comply with the work environment legislation to which we are subject and strive to constantly improve our work environment both organizationally and socially as well as physically.